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Traditional Okinawan Karate in Edmonton

International Okinawan Shōrin-ryū Seibukan Karate-dō Association



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Couples training together in the dojo.

Training in Okinawa, March 2024

The head of Seibukan karate worldwide, Shimabukuro Hanshi, is unequivocal that it is necessary for Seibukan karateka to go to Okinawa:

Karate is from Okinawa, so you must go back to Okinawa and see what we do; every karate technique you must correct in Okinawa. Make sure you visit your sensei and feel all Okinawan people. 

Please visit Okinawa, to feel traditional Okinawan karate, and eat Okinawan food and breathe Okinawan air. Many things you have to experience in Okinawa.

Heeding Hanshi's direction, in March I and two other senior members of our dojo traveled to Okinawa to train there for almost five weeks. This was the sixth trip since 2014 for Lucy and me; it was the third for Clayton since 2016. But none of us have been able to go there since before the pandemic.

It was marvelous, exhausting, illuminating. Here's a taste of what we experienced (move the cursor over an image for explanatory text; click  to expand text; click on the arrows to navigate instead of using the automatic slide show).

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Some martial arts practitioners deride karate as dance because they see themselves as tough, no-nonsense fighters.


As a karate teacher, I'm actually flattered by the comparison, because real dancers are incredibly tough and disciplined.  They're strong, supple, highly-skilled athletes, dedicated to a demanding and exquisite art.

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